Thursday, 18 August 2011

Channel your inner granny

I am obsessed with scarves especially when it gets just that little bit chillier. I defiantly think it is one of my winter staple pieces. For about five years I have been hoarding onto my Kate Moss for Topshop number from what I think was her second collection (when people were still in hype stage basically) and everyone constantly ripped it out of me because I looked like Doctor Who. Was doing my daily ASOS browse (when I put stuff in my basket that I cannot afford and basically torture myself) I came across a new scarf friend for the winter chill.

I have been obsessed with Henry Holland and House of Holland since his graduate collection ( I hate his Debenhams collections purely because I think he sold out, but lets not talk about that.) I love his autumn/Winter 2011 crochet pieces and agree with Dolly Jones of Vogue by stating it is Holland's best collection to date. I think he will defiantly be responsible in crochet madness on the high-street and actually made tweed and crochet look HAWT. Tottaly eyeing up this bad boy below, have have to get my mum to fashion one up for me. 

                  House of Holland Multi Coloured Crochet Scarf


Can any of you crochet? maybe I should learn to save the £300. Loves it. Do you reckon the crochet trend has mass appeal or do you need convincing?

Not seen the collection? Well watch here courtesy the lovelies at Swarovski

1 comment:

  1. Love the crochet scarf! Great blog, keep it up!
